Quick & Easy Tortillas

3 cups organic all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder

⅓ cup avocado oil or other light fairly neutral flavored oil

1 cup warm water

Mix together ingredients. Dough will seem a bit lumpy at first - that's okay!

Let the dough rest for 15 minutes (up to 2 hours) covered. 

When you're ready, knead the dough for a couple minutes & form into a ball. Then split dough into 16 equal pieces & keep covered.

Preheat a cast iron skillet to Medium Low Heat & start rolling out your tortillas to 6-7" rounds, adding a little flour as needed.

I oil my pan (one time for the first tortilla) then cook my tortillas in a cast iron or stainless steel skillet on one side til bubbles form & the tortilla starts to brown then flip & let the other side cook for a minute or so. Doesn't take long at all! I like to roll them out as I'm watching them cook, definitely keep an eye on them & turn the heat down a bit if they start to blacken or if you feel like they are cooking too quickly.

One tip on rolling tortillas by hand - you want to be able to see through the dough just a little bit. When the dough begins to curl on the edges you know it's thin enough to cook! Thinly rolled tortillas remain super pliable while thicker ones tend to be more stiff. But they are all delicious!! 😁

We like to make enchiladas with ours & we usually have extras leftover to use throughout the week for quesadillas, wraps, rollups or they also make excellent thin crust pizzas! I store ours on a paper plate in a gallon size ziplock bag for up to 5-7 days at room temp. Enjoy! 🙂


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